Official Information Act responses

Our commitment to open and transparent government

Te Arawhiti is a government agency committed to being open and transparent. We believe the proactive release of information promotes good government, openness, transparency and fosters public trust.

Below are selected responses to requests for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), where the information may be of public interest.

Date of response
Date published
Work on amending section 58 of the Marine and Costal Area Act to make clear Parliament's original intent [PDF, 11 MB] 23 May 2024 27 June 2024
Greenpark Huts encumbrances [PDF, 11 MB] 17 June 2024 24 June 2024
Land Travel [PDF, 403 KB] 26 December 2023 29 January 2024
Treaty Settlements [PDF, 816 KB] 30 October 2023 1 December 2023
Crime Scene Cleaners [PDF, 888 KB]  4 April 2022  2 August 2022
Te Arawhiti – Working from Home Policy [PDF, 753 KB]  17 March 2022  3 August 2022
Amending or varying terms of trust/trusts deeds for post-settlement governance entities [PDF, 1.3 MB]  14 December 2021  5 August 2022
Information sources for the Ngāti Maniapoto Treaty Settlement [PDF, 871 KB]  30 November 2021  3 August 2022
Performance payments [PDF, 1.3 MB]  16 November 2021  19 August 2022
Alex Frame’s – The 1940s Settlement of Major Māori Claims [PDF, 1.5 MB]  5 November 2021  2 August 2022