Cabinet papers and related material

The Government requires Ministers to proactively release Cabinet papers and related material. The policy applies to papers lodged for consideration from 1 January 2019 onwards.


The below Cabinet papers and related material have been approved for proactive release by the Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti. 

File Date
Proactive release - Te Pire mō Ō-Rākau, Te Pae o Maumahara / The Ō-Rākau Remembrance Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.7 MB] 30 April 2024
Proactive Release- Report back: Te Arawhiti future priorities, workplan and next steps  [PDF, 5.3 MB] 26 September 2023
Proactive release – Return of the Ō-Rākau battle site [PDF, 1.9 MB]  3 May 2023
Proactive release – He Korowai Whakamana – Enhancing oversight of Treaty settlement commitments [PDF, 962 KB] 21 Mar 2023
Proactive release – Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust options for Crown assistance [PDF, 1.8 MB] 9 Mar 2023
Proactive release - Approval for IMO to extend current appointment term for Te Pou Tupua [PDF, 469 KB] 5 Oct 2020
Proactive release - Modifying the current appointment term for Te Pou Tupua [PDF, 409 KB] 14 Sept 2020
Proactive release - Establishment of the Office for Māori Crown Relations [PDF, 1.2 MB] 7 May 2020
Proactive release - Practical Work Programmes for Delivering Te Arawhiti Responsibilities [PDF, 1.1 MB] 25 Nov 2019
Roles and Responsibilities of Te Puni Kokiri and Te Arawhiti [PDF, 9.8 MB] 4 Nov 2019
Treaty of Waitangi Guidelines Cabinet paper [PDF, 9.2 MB] 21 Oct 2019
Te Pire Haeata ki Parihaka/Parihaka Reconciliation Bill and Name Protection [PDF, 432 KB] 17 Jun 2019
Building Closer Partnerships with Māori [PDF, 1.8 MB]  5 Mar 2019


The below Cabinet papers and related material have been approved for proactive release by the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations. 

File Date
Proactive Release- Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 2.7 MB] 20 September 2023
Proactive Release - Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 1 MB] 7 July 2023
Proactive Release – Taranaki Maunga – Collective Redress Deed [PDF, 18 MB] 26 May 2023
Proactive Release – Taranaki Maunga – Increasing the Crown Contribution [PDF, 8.4 MB] 26 May 2023
Proactive release – Taranaki Maunga – Remaining Issues to Enable Initialling of the Collective Redress Deed [PDF, 131 KB] 26 May 2023
Proactive release - Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Amendment Order [PDF, 928 KB] 12 May 2023
Proactive release – Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua – Final settlement matters [PDF, 4.8 MB] 11 Apr 2023
Proactive release – Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Cabinet Papers [PDF, 20 MB] 10 Mar 2023
Proactive release – Ngāti Mutunga o Wharekauri – Increase in total settlement value  [PDF, 5.4 MB] 10 Mar 2023
Proactive release – Ngāti Hei Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.5 MB] 21 Feb 2023
Proactive release – Ngāti Paoa Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.4 MB] 21 Feb 2023
Proactive release – Pare Hauraki Collective Redress Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.2 MB] 21 Feb 2023
Proactive release – Ngāti Hāua Crown Offer, and Te Pou Tikanga and Conservation Redress for Crown Offer [PDF, 8.2 MB] 5 Dec 2022
Proactive release – Ngāti Tara Tokanui Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.6 MB] 5 Dec 2022
Proactive release – Ngāti Ruapani: Crown offer [PDF, 8.6 MB] 4 Oct 2022
Proactive release – Takutai moana dual pathway problem: Release of consultation document [PDF, 930 KB] 30 Sep 2022
Proactive Release - Report Back - Takutai Moana Engagement Strategy [PDF, 869 KB] 28 Jun 2022
Proactive Release - Revised Takutai Moana Financial Assistance Scheme [PDF, 563 KB] 28 Jun 2022
Proactive release - Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua and Te Rohe o Rongokako: Approval for Introduction [PDF, 2.2 MB] 18 Mar 2022
Proactive release of Whakatōhea - approval to initial a deed of settlement, Whakatōhea - request for an increase in total settlement value [PDF, 11 MB] 18 Feb 2022
Proactive release – Maniapoto Claims Settlement Bill – Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.1 MB] 23 Dec 2021
Cabinet material - Takutai Moana Crown Engagement Strategy [PDF, 1.8 MB] 22 Jul 2021
Proactive release - Ngāti Maru (Taranaki): Approval for introduction [PDF, 3.1 MB] 29 Jun 2021
Cabinet material – Point England and Ngāti Paoa Treaty settlement [PDF, 7 MB] 28 May 2021
Proactive release of the Cabinet paper - Maniapoto: Funding to remediate the Tokanui Hospital site [PDF, 6.6 MB] 7 May 2021
Proactive release of Ngāti Rangitihi Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for Introduction Cabinet paper [PDF, 3 MB] 29 Apr 2021
Proactive release of Maniapoto settlement: Natural resources redress - Crown contribution to local authority costs [PDF, 2.8 MB] 26 Mar 2021
Proactive release of Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order  [PDF, 250 KB] 8 Mar 2021
Proactive release of Establishing Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited Cabinet paper [PDF, 1.3 MB] 5 Mar 2021 
Proactive release of Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited - Orders in Council Cabinet paper [PDF, 926 KB] 5 Mar 2021  
Proactive release of Ngāpuhi Treaty Settlement - Sovereign Fund for Ngāpuhi Cabinet paper [PDF, 3 MB] 5 Mar 2021  
Proactive release of Oral Item - Ngāpuhi Sovereign Fund [PDF, 118 KB] 5 Mar 2021  
Ownership of Foreshore and Seabed Land Adjoining Foreshore [PDF, 1.9 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Draft Overview Paper [PDF, 10 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Overview and Status of Foreshore and Seabed [PDF, 7.6 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Protection of Customary Rights [PDF, 3.9 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Framework [PDF, 26 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Further Policy Decisions [PDF, 12 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Report Waitangi Tribunal [PDF, 10 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Bill Approval for Introduction [PDF, 2.2 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Foreshore and Seabed Bill Final Changes Before Introduction [PDF, 791 KB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Options [PDF, 907 KB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Further Detail on Options [PDF, 1.6 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Principles Bottom Lines [PDF, 2.2 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Timetable Options [PDF, 3.7 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities [PDF, 8.9 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Principles and Common Understandings [PDF, 6.4 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act A Shared Marine Space [PDF, 1.9 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Proposals for Public Discussion Doc [PDF, 14 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Proposed Consultation Process [PDF, 7.3 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Review of Foreshore and Seabed Act Report on Public Consultation Process [PDF, 27 MB] 21 Sep 2020
Ngati Rangitihi deed of settlement; Ngāti Rangitihi: Increase in total settlement value [PDF, 3.7 MB] 9 Jul 2020
Takutai Moana - Financial Assistance Scheme [PDF, 9.3 MB] 16 Mar 2020
Proactive release - Ngāpuhi approach to commencing negotiations [PDF, 479 KB]  14 Feb 2020
Proactive Release - Whanganui Land Settlement Historical on Account Values [PDF, 634 KB] 31 Oct 2019
Proactive release - Whanganui Land Settlement Crown Offer [PDF, 4.8 MB] 11 Oct 2019
Proactive release - Ngāti Hinerangi Claims Settlement Bill: Approval for introduction [PDF, 1.1 MB] 4 Oct 2019
Oral Item: Update on Pressures on the 2019/20 Treaty Settlement Work Programme [PDF, 249 KB] 27 Aug 2019
Moriori Deed of Settlement [PDF, 1.6 MB] 13 Aug 2019
Proactive release - Te Whānau a Apanui: Decisions for Crown Offer and Agreement in Principle [PDF, 3.6 MB] 29 Jul 2019