Reasonable costs guidance – project management, travel, and hui

All expenditure to progress a takutai moana application must be on eligible costs and it must be reasonable. All reimbursement requests must have sufficient supporting information such as invoices, timesheets, receipts where applicable. This page provides guidance on what reasonable expenditure looks like for travel and hui related costs. If your planned expenditure falls outside the guidelines, please talk to the funding team ( or 0800 866 222) before incurring costs to ensure they can be met by the scheme.

See also:

Reasonable costs guidance - legal services >> Reasonable costs guidance - historical research >>

The scheme covers travel-related costs for court proceedings and hui as outlined below.


The scheme will cover travel-related costs for hui for up to three representatives per application, including the project manager or project coordinator.


  • Costs of travel to somewhere that is a usual place of work.
  • Court proceedings

The scheme covers travel-related costs for court proceedings for:

  • the applicant (for the days they are participating)
  • legal counsel
  • expert and other witnesses (for the days they are giving evidence).
    The scheme can also cover travel-related costs for a support person for any of the active participants in a court case or attending a hui. This must be agreed with the Funding Team before you commit to or incur any costs.


The scheme covers reimbursement for either travel time or travel costs, but not both. The claim cannot be charged on top of any other payment for any other activity that takes place at the same time.

Travel Time

Travel time can be charged at 55% of each individuals hourly rate.

Travel costs

Travel related expenditure includes:

Air travel

Travellers are encouraged to book in advance to get the best possible fare. Pre-approval from Te Arawhiti is needed for any international travel that may be required in exceptional circumstances.

Road travel

The scheme covers the following road travel for activities to progress your takutai moana application:

  • The cost of a vehicle suitable for the travel you need to do if you need to hire a vehicle. 
  • Mileage at standard IRD rates for travel by private vehicle.
  • Parking costs where travel to a venue other than a normal place of work is needed.
  • Taxis/rideshare where needed.
  • Public transport as needed.


  • Fines or penalties received while driving either a private or a hire vehicle.
  • Any insurance excess payable in the event of an insurance claim.


If overnight accommodation is needed, the scheme will cover the cost of staying in a hotel/motel/or similar up to a maximum of $210 per person, per night (including GST) for Auckland and Wellington and up to a maximum of $190 per person per night (including GST) for the rest of New Zealand.

Accommodation costs can fluctuate due to supply and demand, seasonality and particularly around major sporting/cultural events or concerts. If your quoted accommodation rate is greater than $210, contact the funding team before making a final booking and/or costs are incurred.


  • Minibar expenses.
  • Any in-room media purchases.

Staying with family or friends

If ‘informal’ accommodation is used, the financial assistance scheme covers a contribution up to $50 (GST inclusive) per person for stays of up to three nights. For longer stays with family and friends, please discuss with the funding team.


The scheme covers up to three meals a day for time working away from home/usual workplace while undertaking activities to progress a takutai moana application as follows:

  • Breakfast – $30
  • Lunch – $20
  • Dinner – $50


  • Alcohol and mini-bar expenses
  • Meals provided through marae or informal accommodation – these are included in koha/accommodation gift contributions.


The scheme covers koha that you may give in the process of progressing your takutai moana application. This could include koha towards venue, kai or accommodation costs. If you would like to know about applying for koha please contact the funding team.

Venue hire

The scheme covers the costs of venue hire needed for meetings/hui/wananga that support progressing an application. If you need to hire a venue please contact the funding team.


The table below outlines maximum catering costs for meeting/hui/wananga that support progressing an application.

Length Type of catering Max cost per head
0–2 hours Hot drinks and biscuits $5
2–4 hours Morning/afternoon tea $10
4–8 hours Lunch or dinner $20
Multi-day As needed $55/day

Exclusion: alcohol


Project management and administration

The table below gives an overview of the types of tasks that would be undertaken by project managers and project administrators to progress your takutai moan application.  The hourly rates provided are a guideline. 

Role Hourly Rate exc GST Role Description Types of Tasks
Project Manager $100-$150

The role of the project manager is to plan, execute and oversee the project.

They are responsible for:

• Tracking milestones and timelines to ensure deadlines are met
• Managing project administration, planning, budgeting, reporting and meeting deliverables
• Overseeing the entire project to ensure all parties are carrying out their work in accordance with the project plan
• Managing project scope and its cost management

• Set up and run hui
• Monitoring budget and timesheets
• Liaising with TA on a range of matters to ensure timeliness and efficiency
• Contacting witnesses to liaise with them to produce accounts
• Recording action points from meetings
• Managing relationships with other applicant project management teams
Project Administrator  $45-$75  Project coordinators or administrators support the project manager to oversee the project. They will provide administrative support to enable the effective management of the project • Setting up teleconferences between parties
• Collating and filing files documentation
• Ensuring invoices and documents are submitted on time
• Managing an effective triage system of requests
• Note taking

Note: All rates in this guidance are based on a combination of actual costs incurred by applicants to date, consideration of market rates and government expenditure policies for matters such as travel and accommodation.

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