Te Kāhui Takutai Moana (Marine and Coastal Area)

Supporting the recognition of customary interests in the common marine and coastal area

Te Takutai Moana Act 2011 and Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019 (the takutai moana legislation) provide for recognition of customary interests of iwi, hapū and whānau in the common marine and coastal area of Aotearoa New Zealand and its offshore islands. The takutai moana legislation also provides for the right of all New Zealanders to access and use the common marine and coastal area (subject to any lawful restrictions, including for the protection of wāhi tapu and wāhi tapu areas). 

What is the common marine and coastal area?

The common marine and coastal area is the area between the high tide line (the line of mean high water springs) and 12 nautical miles out to sea (the outer limits of the territorial sea) except for any freehold land, conservation areas under the Conservation Act 1987, national parks under the National Parks Act 1908, reserves under the Reserves Act 1977, and the bed of the Te Whaanga Lagoon in the Chatham Islands. It includes the air and water space above (but not the water) and the subsoil, bedrock and other matter below, as well as the beds of rivers that are part of the coastal marine area (under the Resource Management Act 1991).


Contact te kāhui Takutai Moana

For general enquiries click here.
For funding enquiries click here.
For Kōrero Takutai (maps) enquiries click here.
Or phone us on 0800 866 222, option 1 for funding enquiries, and option 2 for general enquiries.