Collaboration activities and projects
If you are planning collaborative projects or activities with other applicant groups, talk to the funding team about whether the activity can be covered by the Collaboration workstream. This workstream is for activities where it might be difficult or inequitable to split costs.
Activities might include:
- collaborative hui between multiple overlapping applicant groups
- engaging a facilitator or mediator to guide kōrero with applicant groups with shared or overlapping interests
- funding a joint research project with multiple applicant groups.
The funding team will advise whether the proposed activities can be covered by the Collaboration workstream, which can be paid by either reimbursement or grant. You may also need to submit a proposal on the collaboration proposal form [PDF, 402 KB].
For collaboration proposals, one group must coordinate the request, including submitting the proposal form, and receiving and managing the funding (eg submitting reimbursement requests/holding any funding agreement with Te Arawhiti).
Please note: The Collaboration workstream can only be used for activities that take place after 1 January 2023.